As it travels from Lake Corrib towards the sea, it passes the ruins of Menlo Castle (built in the 16th century), the Martin Tea House Folly ( an early 19th century oratory, or stone church), and Terryland Castle (constructed during the 17th century). We will visit each of these sites in later postings.
As the river passes through Galway City - between the neighborhood of Claddagh and Galway’s Latin Quarter - a “Watch Tower” stands as a sentinel over it. At one time, the River was privately owned and locals had to purchase permits in order to fish its waters. It was constructed to keep track of these activities. Today, the Watch Tower serves as the river’s museum. A walking tour from the Watch Tower up to Lake Corrib ( or vice versa) makes an enjoyable day trip (although a bit long because of the winding trail that sometimes meanders away from the river).