Quebec City (aka "New France"), the capital of Quebec Provence, was founded in 1608 by Samuel De Champlain.The native Algonquins who were living in the area, called it "kebec" (old Algonquin meaning "where the river narrows"). For the past twenty years, the folks of the "Ville de Quebec" (or the old city of Quebec) have celebrated the anniversary of its founding with a five day festival dedicated to depicting life as it existed here in the 17th and 18th centuries. From Champlain's original Fort Saint-Louis, over-looking the river in the upper town, to the lower town (where most of the settlers had their houses), music, re-enacted battle scenes, folks dressed in period costumes, and 17th century craft and food booths were abundant. We had a fabulous time wandering through the throngs and enjoying all of the sights, sounds, and smells of this festival. Presented below is just a sample of this marvelous event;
The shear number of folks dressed in all manner of period costumes was staggering;