Opposite the Basilica Estrela is one of the largest gardens in Lisbon; the Jardim de Estrela. In the 1840's, the governor of Lisbon, Antonio Bernardo da Costa Cabral, realized that Lisbon was in need of a public park within the densely populated city. It was originally known as "Jardim Guerra Jungueiro" in honor of the local poet/politician who played an instrumental role in the downfall of the Portugese monarchy. While construction of the gardens began in 1842, funding for the landscaping and sculpture work dried up during a war and financial problems over the succeeding few years - resulting in a delayed opening until 1852. For the first 70 years of its existence, the gardens played host to a caged lion. Now, ducks are the only park animals. Originally, the gardens were embellished with a gazebo and a Chinese pavilion (both of which no longer exist), although the park's centerpiece is still a wrought iron bandstand built in 1884. Among the many statues throughout the gardens, the most famous is the "Keeper of the Ducks" from a popular fairy tale. This garden was only a five minute walk from our apartment and made for a relaxing respite from city life.
...is opposite the Basilica Estrela.