Originally founded in January of 1987, under the guidance of Christian Badea, then the conductor of Columbus’ Symphony Orchestra, the choir held its first concert on Memorial Day of that same year. It soon began to receive invitations to perform throughout Ohio. By 1996, it became an independent, non-profit children’s choir, with two preparatory choirs and one top performing group ( at that time, called “Nina,” “Pinta,” and “Santa Maria”). In 2001, the organization had expanded to five choirs, with the Nina group being divided in order to create “Isabella” for younger singers, and with the “New World Singers” being created to give “...exceptionally talented older singers an opportunity to perform in a premier touring group.” That same year (2001), the New World Singers performed at Carnegie Hall during the Columbus’ Symphony’s debut concert there. Then, ten years later (December 2011), as their reputation grew, the New World Singers were invited to perform at the White House. The following year, Jeanne Wohlgamuth replaced the group’s original artistic director, Dr. Sandra Mathias. Under Wohlgamuth’s tutelage, the group had earned a bronze medal at the 2012 Champion Competition at the World Choir Games.
During 2014, the New World Singers received an invitation to sing at the Festival of Music and Dance in Grenada, Spain. Then, in 2017, they traveled to Europe to perform with the famed Vienna Boys Choir in Austria, as well as in front of an audience of “...musicians, composers, and professors...” at the Kodaly Institute in Keschimet, Hungary.
This year (2018), the New World Singers were again invited to perform at Carnegie Hall with the Columbus’ Symphony Orchestra. What an honor! We are so proud of Lucy.